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Beginning Of The End

:::Thousands of years ago, a powerful group of women warriors known as the Amazons roamed the earth. With time they was hunted but there fame and legend grew. The leadership of these women was passed down through a bloodline, one which became very heated at times. The bloodline was nearly broken though with the birth of two twins, Helene and Aealla. There mother was killed in battle when they was only teenagers. Each was then taken by a Greek God or Goddess to be raised as there own. Helene was taken by Aries, the God of War. Aealla was taken by Athena, the Goddess of wisdom and peace. Soon the time came when the Amazons needed a new leader and both of them were pushed forward by the respected guardians. A clash was soon to be between the two and thus it happened. Through years of warfare, the two girls realized they was not mere humans by the daughters of Hades himself. This made each of them more powerful then ever and the final clash was ensured. They fought, fearlessly with Aealla coming out the victor. Helene was then cast into the deepest pits of the underworld where she would remain for the rest of time, or so Aealla thought. Her father, Hades, whom favored Helene, secretly made a escape for his daughter though it would take the help of mere humans, a escape that has been thousands of years in the making.:::

A beautiful young woman sits at the desk of a high rise building, with a beautiful city just outside of her office window. In front of her is a book, of legends and curses. She looks up and around her cubical, making sure no one can see she is no longer doing what she has been paid to do. The book is old, but the pages seem brand new as if time itself had protected it from aging. She reads through the book, page after page full of Amazon legends and tells. She pauses when she reads the headline "Curse of Helene". The young lady suddenly lowers her guard and loses touch of her surrounding as she dives deep into the words of the curse. Soon her boss is upon her, looking over her shoulder and counting the seconds, then minutes that pass while she is buried in this book. Finally she has enough, clearing her throat behind the young lady to announce her presence.

"Excuse me Mrs. Crump, but is that booking getting any of these records and files completed? Is it making this company any money at all?" the boss said sternly.

Lucy jumped with shock and quickly turned around. "Mrs. Johnson, I'm sorry. I just got carried away. I'll get back to my work right away."

Mrs. Johnson laughed as she looked down at the young girl who was scrambling to turn around and put the book away. "Do not bother Mrs. Crump, as of this moment you are no longer employed with this company. Maybe now you will have enough time to enjoy your book instead of making a living. You have 10 minutes to clean out your desk."

Lucy's eyes filled with tears of heart break and anger as she watched her former boss walk away with a strut. She slowly gathered her things, which was little more then her book before returning to her home. Walking inside, she flipped the light switch to realize she no longer had power in her house. She slammed the door and walked to a near by window, looking out over the city as a thunder storm moved in from above. She stared into the dampness for hours, tears running down her face as she tried to figure out what would happen to her. Fears of being homeless rushed through her mind, the thought of her giving her body away as a profession even seemed like a way to survive and pay for college but she pushed it aside. She looked over at the book that had cost her job. She picks it up and walks over to the sink. Dropping the book in it, she then drops a match on it hoping to burn it. The room fills with smoke as the book goes up in flames but does not burn. She watches in amazement for a few seemly endless moments before turning the water on to put the fire out. "What the hell?" she cried out as she picked it up and moved back to the window. Sitting down, she begin to read it again by the street light outside.

The night passes as she reads the entire book cover to cover countless times. Finally she falls asleep near day break. Flashes go through her mind, just like a dream of two women fighting in a time long since forgotten. The flashes give away to a woman being cast into a cell made of fire and chain. Chants are heard in the dream, "Free Me! Free Me! Free Me!" is screamed like a broken record. The voice becoming stronger. The final image of a beautiful blond with eyes made of fire seemly looking at her eye to eye. "Give yourself to me and your wildest dreams will come true." The women then turned to fire and was lost as Lucy came to screaming. She sat up, pulling her knees up to her chest and laying in a tight ball with her chin on her knees.

She rocked back and forth for a little while, shaking with tears of fear coming down her cheek. She wrestled with the thought in her mind whether it was a dream or something more. Something flashed from the floor beneath her however, catching her attention and breaking her chain of thought. It was the book, now glowing a bright gold. She slowly reached down, opening the pages. The words on the first page had changed, so had the second page, the third, forth and so on. The words now where that of a business man. A true captain of industry, a simple plan to make millions. She was taken by the book, reading its seemly simple ideas and plans that came off more as orders then suggestions. The last page of the book however was a simple lottery ticket titled Devil's Millions with the message "A million to start your quest."

Lucy slowly grabbed a penny and started to uncover the ticket. As she read over it the ticket, a smile grew on her face with the realization she was holding a million dollar ticket. She then looked down at the book, a sense of adventure and greed came over her as she read the words instead of fear and worry. She quickly rushed to the local store, getting instruction on how to collect her money. While there she bought a second lottery ticket. It too was a million dollar winner. Suddenly the unluckiest woman in the world, according to her own personal thought had stuck it rich in a matter of seconds.

The next year Lucy spent following the words of the book. She founded a small company called Crump Ind. which was founded as a small computer tech support. Within a month however, the company had grown into a million dollar corporation. Another few months passed and it was quickly climbing the fortune five hundred list. After 8 months, it was the biggest money grossing company in the world, producing everything from everyday computer to massive software and servers for government agencies. Hidden in the background are rumors of weapons projects and black market deals. Soon Winter Haven grows from a small town into one of the biggest companies in the world, offering jobs to people and saving the nation's economy nearly by itself. Soon elections come and pass, a new District Attorney is elected. The crime rate seems to go through the roof amidst rumors the new D.A., Melissa Nighthardt, is on someone's payroll. Many people say the city is now run by Lucy Crump, the over night success story that seems spotless by the eye of the law but not by word of mouth.

Atop of what is now the tallest building in the world, Lucy looks out over the massive city. Three quarters of the city are now somehow owned by Crump Ind. She giggles as she lays her book of fortune into her desk. "Its amazing what can happen when you put a little faith in a book. I was about to be homeless and now look at me! I'm the richest person alive, I own a massive corporation that has saved the world." Turning around in her seat with a smile. "Soon though, I will control the world!" She looks across her desk at her guest, none other then Melissa Nightardt, the city's D.A. Melissa was on her payroll, just like everyone thought and she was good as covering up Lucy's messes, though most of them where very easy. With time they had pinned everything on people who stood in there way until they basically controlled the city.

Melissa laughed as she watched Lucy and listen to her gloat about her fame and fortune. She sat there in a very expensive black business suit and skirt. "And how exactly do you plan on controlling the world Lucy? You going to run for mayor, then president? What after that? Head of the United Nations? Somethings you cannot even do Lucy."

Lucy looked at Melissa with a glare, a quick thought of anger passed through her mind but it was replaced with a better idea. A way to gain total loyalty in Melissa. "Oh, I won't be the one controlling it. It will be the people I put in place that will control it. I will be the one pulling the strings."

Melissa laughed again. "It would take something out of this world for you to be able to pull that off. I cannot cover up your deeds once you leave this city. You bank roll will have to get deeper if you plan on doing all of that."

Lucy smiled. "Think about everything I have done? I've opened major apartment complexes in every major city in this nation for the homeless and charged nothing. My company has developed ways to produce massive amounts of food from things people throw away every day. I have lowered the unemployment rate to record lows. People call me the greatest businessman ever." She pauses for a few moment to giggle. "I'm saving this world from itself as we speak." She slowly stands up and walks over to the fire place. "So anyone who I want to place in office, anyone I give support to, will be more then enough to win a election."

Melissa laughed as she stood up, turning to walk out of the room. "I guess my job is safe the Lucy. When you are ruling this country from the shadows, I wouldn't mind being head of the C.I.A." Lucy looked over her shoulder with a smile as Melissa left the room. Lucy turned and looked down into the fire place inside of her office. She slowly reached up and grabbed a vase from above the mantle. She reached her hand into it, pulling out a hand full of powder. She smiled as she felt the heat on her skin before throwing the hand full of dust into the fire.

The flame blazed brightly and high with the addition of the dust. Lucy then slowly knelt down before the fire. "Everything is going as planned mistress. Soon I will control the world."

A voice then speaks, it comes from the walls, the floor, the ceiling but most of all, the fire. "Lucy, soon everything will be in place. There is something I need you to obtain for me. It is a spear that will be put on display in your art gallery very soon."

"A spear? What importance does a spear have to you?" Lucy questioned.

"It was the spear which was used by my sister to trap me in the place you call Hell. It must be used in order to free me from my prison."

Lucy looked down for a moment, thinking about and memorizing what she is being told. She looked back up at the fire slowly. "Tell me what I must do to bring you back to the world of the living mistress and I will do it."

"You must take the spear and sacrifice a woman of true virtue and nature on the full moon night of what you call Halloween. Only then can I be freed from my cell."

"I will do as you order then mistress, you soon will be freed from this hellish prison" Lucy promised. She started to stand but the voice begin to speak again. Lucy then lowered herself back to her knees again to finish listening.

"Lucy, I must give you a far warning. Things you have already done have set in motion a chain of events that was fore told by my father. Soon someone will come and try to stop you. She is powerful, so you must move fast."

Lucy shook her head. "Then I will give the order to begin everything now. What is this spear called and I will have it in my hands before tomorrow's dawn."

"You must have it before tomorrow night at midnight. It is the Spear of Sticks. It was dipped in the river that leads to my hell, so it became the key to my entrapment. Lucy do not fail me!" The fire suddenly fades back down as Lucy stands up with a chill coming over her body. She stands up and looks around the room, which seems like a prison to her for a moment. She turns and walks out of the room, never noticing a woman floating just outside of her window with blond hair and a costume made of white and diamonds. The woman suddenly disappears into thin air as Lucy moves into her building.

The day passes by and Lucy visits the Crump Art Gallery where the Spear of Sticks along with other Amazon artifacts are being kept. Lucy stares over it and the security which she helped to create. She smiles as she opens a phone and texts a message. The woman whom was outside her window continues to watch her from a distance. Lucy looks up from her phone, looking around as if she knew she was being watched. She quickly pressed a few more keys on her phone before her two bodyguards rush into the rush, codename Titania and Electra. Lucy whispers into there ears and the two disappear into the crowd. As Lucy starts to leave, the woman in white disappears again.

As Lucy is about to make her way out of the room, the women reappears from behind a pillar near the exit. The woman grabs her and jerks her to the side, pinning her against the wall. "I know who gives you orders Lucy. You do not know what you are dealing with!"

Lucy laughed as the woman preached to her, everything going in one ear and out the other. "And I believe I do know what I'm dealing with. Someone who has gave me everything I ever dreamed of and someone who is slowly giving me control of this world."

"She does not share power with anyone Lucy. You are a pawn and she'll play you just like one." Before the woman could finish anymore of her warning, a sonic scream is let out through the building. Everyone inside of it quickly crumbles to there knees and the brick pillars even crack. The woman in white falls to her knees screaming as Lucy looks down at her laughing. Titania then grabs the woman from behind, throwing her across the room into another pillar. It crumbles as she busts through it. The people inside of the Gallery go into a panic. They rush from the room, people being bounced everywhere. Lucy escapes from the room as the woman in white stands up and looks over at the two women. "You two just made a major mistake! You just let the women who could bring the end of the world around go."

Electra simply laughs, like most snotty sorority girls do. "Well if she does cause that to happen, at least I will be rich when she does. And you are the one that made the mistake by attacking her! Now you are going to have to pay." Titania and Electra both rush the woman, but she disappears into thin air and the bounce off each other. They look around before a bright blast comes from the air above them. It explodes between them and sends them flying across the room in separate directions. She then reappears in the room, looking back to where the spear and the rest of the Amazon artifact were. The spear was gone. The thought of fear went through her mind as Electra let out another loud scream. She feel once more to a knee, trying to cover her ears. The room looked like something from a war zone. She located Electra by sight, her eyes glowing white before another blast connects with Electra. Electra flies further across the room, smashing hard into the wall and sliding down it out cold.

The woman then turns her attention back to the location of the spear. She looks around in a panic when she realizes its gone. She moves closer and notices something else. Her eyes narrow as a train of thought comes through her mind. In front of her lays a young girl, no more then 20 years old. She is motionless, seemly dead. Around her though, as in a off set circle, is 5 stones. The woman in white moves closer, looking down at the stones. Her eyes widen. "The elemental keys!" She stands up and backs away. "But they were destroyed thousands of years ago." She freezes for a few more seconds, watching as the young girl's body takes one last deep breath and her chest falls for the final time. The stones begin to glow orange, blue, white, gray and yellow. The young girl in the middle of them is lifted into the air with the stones. The woman in white takes a step back, her eyes filling with shock. A beam then comes form the orange stone, blasting as the young woman. The other four soon after do the same. A few moments later a massive explosion happens. The room is completely leveled and the building nearly destroyed. The woman in white disappears just before the blast but reappears after it in the rumble.

The young lady the stones were surrounding is now full of life. She coughs a few times before rolling from her back to one knee. She looks around slowly, not sure of where she is. She stands up and looks around. "What happened?" asks loudly but not expecting any response. The woman in white slowly moves from out of the rumble.

"You are at the Crump Art Gallery, or at least what is left of it" she says as she moves closer to the young woman. She starts to mumble to herself, barely loud enough for the young lady to hear it. "I cannot believe its true! I thought it was all just legend."

The woman looked at her and started to shake, her mind confused but her body felt like it never had before. She felt stronger, like something about her was very different. She looked at the woman, straight into her eyes. "Who are you? What happened here? And what are you talking about some legend."

The woman in white smile as a bright light filled the room and suddenly the two of them were gone. They reappear on top of a building across the street as emergency crews race to the scene. The woman turned to her and smiled. "I know have a lot to explain so let me begin. My name is Aealla, but you can call me Cosmos."

The young lady looks over the edge at the burning building, then looking back at the woman calling herself Cosmos. "Cosmos? What kind of name is that and how did we get up here?" She said with panic as she froze looking at the view in front of her.

She smiled as she walked up beside of the girl. "Do not worry, no one was in there. Yes, my name is Cosmos. I can explain it to you but its a very long story which you will not believe." The young lady turned to her, shaking but her fear was slowly being replaced by wonder.

"Tell me, I'll listen at least."

"I am over two thousand years old. I was born during the time of the Trojan War along with my twin sister. We were Amazon princesses but our father was the god of the underworld himself, Hades."

"Wait a minute, your over two thousand years old and your father is a Greek God? You've lost your mind lady."

Cosmos laughs as she looks over at the girl. "If I am lying, then how did we go from the heart of that burning building to the top of this building?" The young woman slowly turns and looks at Cosmos, her mind realizing what she just spoke was true. "Now that I have your attention, I'll continue. Our mother was killed in the Trojan War and we were raised by separate Greek gods. I was raised by Athena herself."

The girl shook her head. "And who raised your sister?"

Cosmos looks back down at the building. "Aries raised her as his own daughter. She started to live for war, hungered for blood and death. Soon we were total opposites. I stood for peace and she stood for chaos. We fought for leadership of the Amazons. We fought countless times in battle, civil war if you would like to call it. Many died trying to win the crown for one of us." Cosmos looks away, trying to hide the look of shame on her face. "If I could, I would do it all over again differently. I would not let so many die for me. Finally though, Zeus brought me a spear. He told me it had been washed in the River of Sticks. Since me and my sister had blood from a god flowing through us, we could not die. He said the spears though would trap her in the underworld forever."

The girl looks back over at her, slowly sitting down as the story draws more interests in her. "So what happened after all of that?"

"We fought once more, and I was able to stab her with the spear. She now wears the scar on her shoulder from her it entered her skin. She was trapped just like Zeus said she would be. However Zeus did not plan on our father playing with fate. He made a escape for his daughter but he could not do it himself. It had to be a human. Many years have passed and I have searched for this woman who would release her. I finally found her here, but it was too late to stop certain things from happening. My sister, Helene had already made contact with a human from the other side and her escape is playing itself out."

The girl looks back at the fire again, as the fire fighters try to put the flames out. "What happens if your sister is released from her prison?"

"The world will burn, she will take control and all will be ended."

"She will bring about the end of the world?"

"No, not the end of the world. Just the end of the free world unless the chosen one stops her." Cosmos turns to the young lady again. "What is your name girl?"

"I'm Cara, Cara Williamson." The girl turned back to Cosmos. "The chosen one? Are you suppose to find the chosen one or will she just know her part in this whole thing."

Cosmos looked over at her, her eyes grew distant as she searched for the right words to say. "Cara, this is going to be very hard for you to understand or even hear. But inside that building, you were killed. I'm not sure..."

Cara face showed the shock from what she was being told as she quickly interrupts. "Wait, I was killed inside that burning building but here I am, standing here talking to you. I am alive and kicking. Knocked out, maybe but dead? I don't think so. You must have seen something else."

Cosmos shook her head as she understood the reaction of the young girl. "I do not blame you for not believing a word I am saying but I do not what I saw and I do know why you are here. One upon a time, there were five stones that was blessed by some of the most powerful gods and goddesses of Greece. Zeus blessed two of the stones with the elements of lightning and air. Poseidon granted the power of water, Hephaestus gave fire and the gift of the hardness of the earth. The all found out what my father did, placing a release for my sister. Zeus then command a person would be chosen when the hour was right and they would lead the world against my sister Helene."

"So where are you suppose to find this chosen one at?"

"The keys were lost for over a thousand years. The first time I seen them since the crusades was today when I seen them in the art gallery, right before they..." Cosmos paused for a moment, looking Cara in the eyes to show the importance of what she was about to say. "Granted you the secret of the stones.

"Wow! Wait a second. You said these stones were meant to grant the chosen one the powers, from how I understand it at least of a bunch of gods."

"Yes" Cosmos replied.

"Then you said they granted me there secrets, which would make it sound like I was the chosen one."

Cosmos shook her head yes. "I know it is hard to believe but you are the chosen one Cara, whether you believe it or not. Time will show you new abilities and the gift of the gods. Soon you will be able to do things you never dreamed possible."

Cara laughed and looked down at the street, then back over at Cosmos. "So if I wanted that fire to be put out, all I have to do is snap my fingers and a puddle of water will fall on it."

"Not exactly, you have to control it with your body."

"So if I point my hand toward the building." Cara quickly does what she is saying she is going to do. "And think about spraying it with water, then it will just..." Suddenly a massive amount of water seemly appears to flow from Cara's palm and covers the burning art gallery in water. The flames are gone in the blink of a eye as Cara turns around and looks out with shock on her face. "Did I just?"

Cosmos smiles at her as she walks over. "Yes Cara, you just did that. It is part of the gift you now control."

Cara turns to Cosmos, the shock on her face as thought after thought of what she could do and what she just became fight for control of her mind. After a few moments she eases herself on the building ledge and looks down at the ground, trying to make sense of everything. "So I am suppose to fight this evil and save the world now? No being a normal 18 year old kid who is not even done with high school? No prom? No cheer leading? No going on dates?"

Cosmos sat beside of her. "I have studied your culture and I do not believe it has to be that way. Yes you have new found responsibilities but I believe you can be a normal teen as well. Become what your generation calls a superhero. Wear a mask and hide who you really are to the real world but know who you really are in your heart."

Cara laughs at the idea, looking down at the roof below there feet. "You have to have a costume though to be a superhero and I have is the Halloween costume I have left over from this fast October."

"Then it will have to do sweetheart because we have work to do. Your powers will come natural to you in the next few hours. It will feel as if you used them all of your life."

Cosmos took Cara's hand, soon the two vanish into thin air. The building below of them, blazing with flames once has finally gotten under control. The setting sun gave wave in the distant sky. Night passes without any alarm. It seems like a calm before the storm to Cosmos, who deep in her mind knows exactly what is coming to this world.

The morning rises with Lucy Crump unlocking her office and making her way in. Electra Paige and Titania take there posts just outside the door posing as secretaries. Lucy walks to her desk, the back of her chair facing her. She sits a briefcase down on the table, the clamps holding it shut pop loose as she looks up at the chair. "I promised you five hundred thousand for the spear. Where is it?"

A lovely blond spins around in the chair and looks up at Lucy. She is wearing a shining outfit of gold from head to toe. She looks up at Lucy with a smile. "I have it, just like you ordered me to do. I just get my cash first." She looks down at the briefcase full of money and smiles.

Lucy looks up at her, a look of anger and impatience glows from her eyes. She pushes the case hard across the desk where the beautiful woman catches it. "You have your money Gold Rush, now give me my spear or I will have Electra and Titania tear you apart, finger by finger and arm by arm."

Gold Rush laughs as she stands up. She slowly closes the case and looks at Lucy. "For such a good business woman, you of all people should know that is no way to build a good business relationship."

"Give it to me now!" Lucy demanded, and soon Titania and Electra enter the room and stand by the door.

Gold Rush looks over at the two sadistic women and then back at Lucy, smiling. "Now now, we do not have to go to all that trouble." She reaches below the desk, pulling up a blood stain spear with a old wood handle that is about to break. "What does someone like you want with this old thing anyways?"

Lucy reaches out and grabs the spear, the wood cracking more as she does. "Do not worry about it Gold Rush." She looks back at Titania and Electra, nodding to them. The two step out of the room and leave the door open. "I suggest you leave now, I do not trust someone like you being in my office."

Gold Rush smiles, stretching her body out before she starts to leave. She stops, looking over at Lucy. "I would love to say it was a pleasure doing business with you but someone so rude as you is just too hard to get along with." She giggles as she grabs the case. "You need a sense of humor." Lucy gave her the look of death through the corner of her eye as Gold Rush shows herself out with a wicked smirk.

Lucy moves around to her desk, sitting down and picking up the phone. She dials a few numbers and soon the phone is ringing somewhere off in the city. "Hello Melissa." She pauses to wait for a response after each of her statements. "I have it! It has to be tonight at mid night." Turning around to face the city, looking down at the streets below. "We need a virgin Melissa, make sure everyone is looking the opposite way when Electra takes her. I know just who to get too!" Lucy hangs the phone up and yells out "Electra! Go! Do as I told you to do."

Electra smiles and looks at Titania. "Wish me luck!" Then leaves with a evil giggle. She leaves the building and heads into the rich district of town. She pulls up outside of a large house and looks over it. She parks a few blocks away and begins to walk by up the street dressed as a woman delivering mail. She gets to the house again, a large stone wall surrounds the house and yard. Electra checks to see who is watching before climbing the fence and sneaking into the yard. She knows one small mistake and everything is lost but the time has to be now, in the middle of the day. She moves up to the house, quickly hiding when a man walks out and gets into a car. She smiles, having evaded being caught. She looks up at the second floor window above her before lifting up off the ground and flying up. Inside rests a beautiful teenage girl, no more then 16 or 17 years of age. Electra places her hands on the window and slides it open. She sneaks into the room, checking the hallways to make sure no one is coming. Her movements are quiet, a mouse would not even notice her.

She moves closer to the bed, looking down at the young girl. She leans down and whispers softly. "Forgive us child, but it is your fault! You should have been a bit more wild." She giggles as the girl groans and simply rolls over. She then pulls out a large ball gag, wrapping it around the girls head and stuffing it hard in her mouth. The girl wakes up in a shock, like she was being ripped from a nightmare. She tries to scream and fight but Electra is too powerful. The girl's screams and endless kicking it not enough. Electra grows tired of the fighting and placing her hand around the girls neck. She squeezes tightly, choking the air from the girl until she is motionless. Her chest falls up and down as she breaths but she is out in the arms of a mad woman. Soon Electra slips back out the window, flying into the sky with the girl in hand.

The day passes and no one notices the girl missing. Kidnapping her in the middle of the day helping to cover Electra's trail. Cosmos and Cara in the mean time are preparing for Cara's new life as a crime fighter. Cara walks out of her closet wearing a black harm outfit with a veil covering her face and a head band around her forehead to help hide her. Cosmos looks over her and smiles. "I think that will do very well, but every hero has to have a good name."

Cara smiles at her. "I have been giving it some thought and sense my powers come from the elements of the earth, I was thinking Elementra."

Cosmos smiles as her and shakes her head. "I like it..." Suddenly she stops, almost sensing something is wrong. Cara looks at her with a puzzled look.

"Whats wrong?"

Cosmos looks back at her, standing up. "We have to find this Lucy Crump, I believe she is about to murder a young girl."

"What makes you think Lucy would murder someone? I mean she is a ruthless business woman but murder?"

Cosmos turns around. "Its the curse, to bring my sister back alive. She must sacrifice someone of pure blood and innocent virtue at mid night of the night my sister was cast into her prison."

"What night is that night?"

"It is tonight." Cosmos turns around. "We have to start looking for it, someone out there is in trouble. I can sense it."

"This city is hugh, how do we know where to start looking?" Cara, now known as Elementra replied.

Cosmos turns to the window, taking a deep breath as she looks out over the city. "I'm not sure where to start, but we have too. She has everything she needs, the spear, the girl and now the right day. Where around here could she find privacy?"

Elementra pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath of terror. "She owns half of this city. Anywhere she wants to hide she can. We could start at her mansion though outside of town but that would seem way to oblivious."

"Do you believe you are ready to fight for yourself Cara?"

Cara pauses, her nerves running wild. She wants to say yes but scared too. Thought of what if she is not ready and what if she is defeat cloud her mind. Finally she works up the courage to shake her head yes. "I am ready Cosmos."

"Good because we are in for the fight of our lives tonight if Demetria is set free. Go, search the mansion for Lucy. I will go to her office in downtown. We have to find her."

Cosmos disappears in front of Elementra. Cara pushes her window open and slips out of it. She looks around at the mayor's mansion in which she lives in before taking off into the sky. She flies across the city sky line before landing at Lucy's mansion. Her inexperience shows as she lands at the front door. She is seen right away on video camera and she trips alarm after alarm as she sneaks around the house looking for a way in. A trap is set in side for her as she finds a open window. She slips inside, forgetting to look around. From above the next room Titania waits with a smile. Soon Elementra walks across the room and into Titania's trap.

Titania waits with a ball bat in hand. Elementra walks past her, never looking or noticing her until the bat cracks down hard on the top of her back. Elementra screams out as she is knocked to her knees. She bat cracks against her again, across her back. She lands hard on her chest, her back throbbing with pain as Titania looks at the bat, a large crack as formed in the metal. She smiles before swinging it down against her lower back again. The bat breaks into two pieces, the concert that filled the corked bat shatters like rock. Elementra cries out again as tears fill her eyes. She tries to crawl away but Titania follows.

"Your gonna pay for this little girl! You shouldn't have come here!" Titania chants as she reaches down, grabbing the girl by her hair and lifting her up. Cara reaches up, trying to get free from the hair ripping grasp. Titania presses the girl above her head and throws her across the room. Elementra bounce hard off of it and crashes to the floor. She looks up at the woman of unmatched strength. Her vision is blurry and she is unable to move from all the pain. She manages to push herself up to all fours but Titania kicks her hard in the ribs, sending her rolling and screaming once again. "This is fun! You should have came over sooner! I love unexpected guests!" Elementra looks up at her, knowing she is no match for this woman now.

"Please stop, let me go!" Elementra begs as Titania draws closer again.

Titania laughs, looking down at her. Soon she grabs her hair once more, lifting her up eye to eye. "If I let you go, then I will have to pay and trust me, I do not plan on that happening." Titania shoves her back into the wall. The force of her body implants into the wall as a stud can be heard shattering from behind the dry wall. Elementra starts to slide down the wall but Titania reaches out and grabs her by the throat. She begins to squeeze. "Which do you think will happen first, I break your neck or you choke to death." Elementra's eyes fill with fear as she is helpless in the hands of this mad woman. She is too weak to fight back but her body starts to build a panic. Titania's look of excite starts to change to one of confusion though as Elementra's eyes glow with electricity. Elementra finally lets out a loud scream as a massive discharge of power comes from her body in every direction. Lightning bolts, balls of fire, waves of water and massive gusts of wind tear the house around her and Titania down. Titania screams from the shock of the electricity and the burning of her hand from the fire. The blast knocks her hundreds of feet away in the woods, where she bounces off a tree and finds herself out cold. Elementa lays in on a bare foundation of where a mansion once stood. She is out cold and weak, her body changing forms from water to fire to wind to electricity and back to its usual state.

From across town, Cosmos can see the massive blast as it levels the area near the mansion. Quickly she makes her way to the location, seeing trees being blown down, burnt and the ground soaked in water. Small brush fires burn wildly as parts of the mansion lay implanted into the ground all around. Cosmos looks over, searching for the cause. Finally she sees Elementra laying where the mansion once stood, all of the trees seem to be pushed in the opposite direction to where she lays. The scene makes Cosmos believe someone had exploded a bomb. She lands beside Elementra, watching her as her body continues to transform but not at the rate it once was. She looks around every few moments for movement, wondering what could have caused this. After a few minutes, Elementra's body quits transforming. Cosmos picks her up, flying into the sky and making her way to a near by safe haven.

Elementra lays motionless for hours. Cosmos watches outside as the day gives way to dusk. In her mind she knows she must leave Elementra here and find Lucy before she completes her plan. Cosmos turns back to Elementra, taking a deep concerned breath before finally leaving there temporary hide out. The night slowly takes over and the full moon raises. Cosmos lands on building tops, looking around for any signs.

Meanwhile, Lucy prepares for the release of her mistress deep in the heart of C.T.I.'s main building. Outside the door waits Electra and on top of the roof trying to stay out of view is Titania, still injuried from the fight with Elementra. The clear night starts to grow darker and storm clouds slowly move in as events take place. In front of a large fire place is a young girl, only 16. She shakes and fights against the rope which holds her to the chair. Lucy ignores her cries as she puts the finishing touches on everything, waiting for midnight.

Cosmos watches the storms, knowing with every second, evil comes closer to being released on a unsuspecting world. The clouds though start to circle the main building of C.T.I. a little before midnight as the mystical gates are being strained by the day's events. Cosmos follows the clouds until she is looking down at the building from above. She lands on the roof top, looking around to make sure no one is waiting for her. She walks slowly toward the roof access door. As she reaches out for the door handle, Titania lets out a loud cry as she swings a ball bat hard toward her back. Cosmos' eyes widen and she quickly disappears. The bat slams hard into the door, making a loud crashing noise and jarring Titania up from the impact. She drops the bat and turns around looking quickly for Cosmos.

"Come out Cosmos, show me your face so I can rearrange it for you a little bit!" She keeps moving but Cosmos is no where to be seen. "I thought heroines were suppose to stand and fight fair! Or are you a coward?" Titania gloated. Cosmos reappears behind Titania slowly as she continues you bark threats.

"Hey bitch! Turn around" Cosmos ordered. Titania swings quickly around as Cosmos slams her fist hard into her nose. Titania falls backwards into the access door. "I don't have the time to fool with you!" Cosmos holds her hands out, a bright light forms and blast Titania in her ribs. She flies through the door and into the brick stairwell wall. She slides down the side of it out cold. Cosmos moves slowly toward her, making sure she is out. She leaves Titania's body laying where it rests as she moves down the stairs. Clueless about where in the building Lucy was holding her ceremony, Cosmos starts to check every floor. Time passes though and the eleven o'clock hour does too. She keeps searching until finally finding the security room. She sneaks inside and starts to look at the cameras. She notices a camera in the 2nd basement is turned off. "That has to be it!"

Cosmos moves as fast as she can to the bottom basement, flying downward between the box staircase until she lands at the door leading to it. She slips into the door and looks around. The only light is a digital clock saying 11:55. Knowing she must move fast, she does not watch her steps or pay attention to what is going on around her. The only light to be seen is what she is forming with her hand to light her way. She rushes through the floor until she comes to a locked door. She tries to open it but cannot. She steps back and prepares to blast it but Electra slams hard into her back and tackles her to the ground. She rolls Cosmos over and starts to swing at her face ruthlessly, not giving the heroine a chance to catch her breath. Lucy smiles as she hears what is going on outside the door. The young girl still begging, wanting to know what is going on. Lucy looks up at the clock, only a minute from midnight now.

Lucy pulls out the Spear of Sticks and looks back at the young girl. "I really hope you do not take things too personal! I don't mean to harm you but to make you something more then you could have ever been!"

The young girl shakes, looking up at her as tears roll down her face. The sounds of the fight happening outside the door filling the room. "What..." she studders. "What are you going to do to me?"

Lucy giggles as she looks at the clock once more, then back at the door where the sound has somewhat quietened. She smiles, thinking Electra has defeated Cosmos before looking at the girl. "Your body will become home to the new ruler of the world young girl! You will be treated like a queen! Just imagine, you will have all the money in the world! All the boys you ever wanted! Everything and anything!" She laughs as the clock strikes midnight. "This might hurt though!" Lucy stabs the spear into the young girl's heart just as Electra's body busts through the door and bounces against the wall defeated. Cosmos looks in and her eyes open wide from terror as the young girl screams out from the spear. Lucy quickly moves away as the fireplaces grows brighter and a massive fireball explodes out and engulfs the girl.

Cosmos screams out as the fireball makes her and Lucy both step backwards. She stops and looks at Lucy, her eyes wide! "Do you know what you just did!" Lucy looks toward her but Cosmos blasts her before she can do anything. She slams into the wall and slides down. Her eyes fight to stay open as the fireball fades away. The young girl is laying there, her head hung low like she is dead. Cosmos freezes in place as she watches. Suddenly the girl's eyes open wide and she busts free from the ropes with ease. She stands up, her back to Cosmos.

Cosmos takes a deep breath as the girl stretches out. The girl does not turn to see her, just laughs. "Finally I'm free!" She looks over at Lucy who is too weak to move and then down at Electra's out cold body. She laughs, still not turning to face Cosmos. "Guess you just had to come see for yourself didn't you sister!" She looks over her shoulder back at Cosmos. "Did you miss me?"

Cosmos takes a deep breath before firing a massive energy blast toward the girl. "I'll stop this before you ever get started Helene!" The blast hits the girl and pushes her back into the wall beside the fireplace. When the blast clears, the young girl's clothes are smoking but she stands slowly.

She smiles at Cosmos. "The name is Demetria sister and your not strong enough to defeat me, as I cannot defeat you!"

"Helene, Demetria...whatever the hell you are calling yourself now, I will destroy you!"

Demetria laughs loudly "You can try sis, but you look pretty beat up. Are you sure you want me to make things worse for you or would you rather retreat until you are better prepared to kneel at my feet?"

Cosmos blasts toward Demetria again, but her blast is met by a massive wall of fire from Demetria. "I may not be able to stop you Demetria, but the chosen one can!"

The stalemate of power continued as they slowly drained each other of power. "The chosen one is a old wise tale! Its a legend meant to give hope! There is no such thing!" Demetria suddenly unloaded all of her power into the blast, over powering the weak Cosmos and sending her flying backwards into the wall. Demetria fell to a knee, weakened from using so much power so soon. Cosmos crashes through the wall and rolls into the darkness. Lucy slowly pushes herself up and moves to Demetria's side.

Lucy helps her up, grabbing her arm. "Mistress we must leave until you have time to gather your full strenght! The chosen one is real and she is alive, in this city! If she shows now she can destroy you before we even get started!"

Demetria looks at her, anger filling her eyes as her pride wishes to stand and fight but she is no fool. "Fine! I'll destroy this bitch later!" In a bright flash, Lucy and Demetria disappear into thin air. Cosmos pushes herself up, watching from the distance as they disappear. Her eyes widen before she turns to retreat into the darkness herself.

:::Thus it begins, Demetria is free and Cosmos has found the chosen one! The lines are drawn for a war thousands of years old to continue on this unsuspecting world!:::