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Real Name: Helene

Age: Unknown

Powers: Ability to control fire, super strength, can transform body to a small extent

Weakness: Unknown

Bio: Helene was to become leader of the Amazon, along with her sister. However she was corrupted by the God of War Aries and desired the leadership all for herself. She unsuccessfully tried to kill her sister, which lead to a massive war where Aealla was left the victor. Helene was cast into Hades where her father, Hades himself, awaited with much anger. Helene begged her father to save her from this damnation but he was powerless against the rest of the Olympians. However, he created a curse for his little girl which would rely on humans to release her from her grave, the one thing his family could not stop. Years past before Helene finally made contact with a human who was despite enough to save her. Her name was Lucy Crump. Helene corrupted her mind and promised her everything for releasing her. Knowing the girl was not in any position at that time, she blessed the girl with riches and power until she was able to free her. Now Helene walks the earth again using the name Demetria and prepares for her revenge.